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Jan 10, 2016

BOD-FIDENCE! Be confident in the body God gave you.

Here's my first guest post for 2016. We set off on a motivational mode.


Let’s face it, we are women…we all have our insecurities and we constantly complain- my legs are too fat, my nose is too wide, my hair is too short, my butt is too small.. I recently heard of a babe who literally wears socks every minute of the day and only takes them off when she bathes, simply because she hates her toes!

Insecurities! Insecurities! Insecurities!
Well, I guess it’s part of who we are!

It’s okay to have them, but when these insecurities turn into self hate, that’s where the problem lies.
I have dealt with body image issues for years. Being really skinny, I used to get called names like toothpick, pencil and so on. It hurt and made me retreat into a shell because I felt like the world hated me. The name calling hasn’t completely stopped but I have simply chosen not to care! I have managed to reach a secure place.

Here are some ways I believe can help you build your bod-fidence!

1.    Play up your good sides
No matter how bad it is, there’s always something to love. Start by admiring those things. If your legs are your assets, show them off! This is a great way to take your mind off the things you don’t like.

2.    Surround yourself with positive people
This one helps a great deal! Having people around you who constantly complement you would help improve how you see yourself.

3.    Just don’t bother yourself!
Decide not to bother yourself anymore about the things you don’t like about your body because seriously, there are more important things in life than caring about the size of your boobs or the length of your hair!

4.    Go shopping!
Shopping is therapeutic and it helps take your mind off a lot of things. Buy things you love. Spoil yourself and make you feel like a queen that you are! This would help you feel great about yourself!

5.    Come out of your comfort zone
Stop hiding behind your insecurities. Even if you know your legs are fat, put on a pair of heels with a short dress and rock them. You don’t owe anybody any apologies! Gradually step out of your comfort zone and before you know it, you’ll realize those things no longer bother you!

6.    Just live!
Just live your life. Think less.

As 2016 unfolds, you should unfold as well!

Happy New Year!

Ifeyinwa Nwabueze is a Life blogger:

Instagram: alamode_

Facebook Ifeyinwa Nwabueze

opinions on "my guest says" belong to the writer


  1. I like the go shopping and stepping out of your comfort zone most.

  2. I like the go shopping and stepping out of your comfort zone most.
