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Apr 28, 2015

#4in4 My Figure8 Weight loss challenge: let's do this!


Hello ladies,
As a beauty and wellness coach in Nigeria, I often get asked how to lose and keep excess weight away, that why we at My Figure 8 female only fitness club in Ibadan are going on a weight loss challenge in the month of May for those of us who have some extra kilos to shed. (if you don't, just stay calm, there's lots of fun for you too). The good news is you don't have to be a physical member of My Figure8 to join in the fun.
If you are interested, you will have to register as a long distance member.  Please send me an email via and i will send the details of registration and the requirements after which you get your detox, exercise and meal plans to you via email. First person to lose 4kg gets a gift, (want to know what it is? It will be announced on Friday, 1st of May). 4kg is our aim  in Maybecause its healthy to lose 0.5kg weekly, so you don't crash in, crash out! You can and should continue after May, maybe at a little slower pace.
Lets go ladies, you've got no excuse anymore, you can do it from the comfort of your home anywhere in the world and we do a weekly followup via whatsapp!
Please tell all your female friends and family members to pay us a visit and join in the fun at our daily fitness classes. Venue is Bee's Signatures, no 2, 14th avenue, opposite abe igi bus stop, 7up road, Oluyole estate, ibadan.

I want to know how many kilograms you have to lose, please share in the comment box below.
Till next time,
stay fabulously fit

Apr 25, 2015

Beauty and wellness tips: Simple ways to shed weight part 2

Here's the second part of my Simple ways to shed weight series

6. Do not skip breakfast:
Most of us, myself included are guilty of skipping breakfast for different reasons. Whatever the reason however, you need to start making a conscious effort to fuel your body early in the morning. You do not need to eat heavy, but make sure you eat healthy, balanced breakfast meals. The most important macro nutrient of breakfast is protein so make sure you're getting enough of it in your breakfast.
    Examples of what you can have for breakfast are:
wholewheat bread with boiled egg sandwich
plain, fat free yogurt and fruit
Moin moin
a bowl of wholegrain cereal and almond nuts

7. Watch out for the calories in your drinks:
A lot of us are so addicted to sugared drinks, sodas, energy drinks, tea, coffee, smoothie, alcohol... The calories contained in some of these drinks are really high and we consume more than one serving per time. If you look at most of the drinks carefully, the nutritional values are written per hundred meals and a cup is 250ml, most of us wouldn't even stop at a cup. So next time you want to take those drinks, remember to check the label and calculate just how much you want to consume then augment with chilled water.

8. Make simple lifestyle changes: washing your own car, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, taking a stroll to get something at the neighborhood supermarket, playing hard with your children... these help to increase calories burned.

9. Kick boxing:
Instead of throwing a fit, why not throw punches and kicks at the air and shed some calories while at it? To burn more calories, punch with dumb bells.
10. Drink lots of water.
The benefits of drinking water cannot be over emphasized, you stay hydrated, feel full, food digests properly, you get well detoxified. If you're not so into water, try flavoring it with drops of natural lemon, strawberry, passion fruit... juice. Fruits and veggies such as watermelon, cucumber are also good sources of water.

Do you have any other ways you shed weight? Be kind enough to share with us as i just did.

Don't forget that registration has started at My Figure8 female on.y fitness club in Ibadan. Join us today and learn to live a healthier, happier life.
till next time,
Have a wonderful weekend!

Apr 18, 2015

Makeup artist in Ibadan, April bride: Oyinkansola of Phenomenal looks

When Oyinkan came to my studio in 2013, wanting to learn makeup, i had to ask her over an over if she was serious. she had absolutely no makeup on (not that i use makeup myself), and her brows were virgin,full, untrimmed. Fast forward to date, she has her own studio and i must say i am really proud of what she has been able to achieve. But that's not the crux of the matter today, She got married! And yours truly did her makeup and styled her hair. (i couldn't get one single shot of the white wedding attire). It was one of those everything in one day weddings. phew!

I sure did mange to pull it off, was practically running after her to apply lipstick as she was late for the registry.

I'm so happy for her, she's about the fourth of my ex-students who's gotten married and my prayers are with the others who are in line too.
If you get to read this Oyinkan, once again, God bless and keep your home, it is fruitful and peaceful n Jesus' name.

Apr 15, 2015

Simple ways to shed weight Part 1

complex carbohydates. stock photo
I'm still excited about my new studio and fitness center, i can't wait to have you around!
Today i want to write about weight loss. Simple changes can make a whole world of difference when you wish to shed pounds. I'm going to start with 5, then on a later date add some more.

1. Replace simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates: simple carbs, contain refined sugar which get absorbed into the body quickly yet provide little or no nutrition. Eg are sweets, cake, white rice, white pasta. Opt instead for brown versions like brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, beans and legumes and replace refined sugar with natural alternatives like maple syrup and stevia. Complex carbohydrates are packed with fiber and other nutrients. Besides, they get digested by the body and released into the blood stream comparatively slower making you fuller for a relatively longer period

2. Avoid fast food: Fast food is mostly unhealthy. Some fried some baked and some laden with tons of sugar. Making your own food gives you control over the ingredients and the amounts used.

3. Portion control: To shed weight, you need to eat less than you've been known to do. use smaller plates to eat so that you are not tempted to eat much. Chew slowly and drink  water before you start eating.
4. Cardio workout: To shed weight fast, you need to incorporate some form of exercises and nothing beats aerobics! you can even add a bit of weight training for muscle toning so as to kill two birds with one stone. You can join any of our classes at My Figure 8 female only fitness club  for encourage and motivation.

author unknown
Last but not the least for today,
5. Avoid late night snacking: Research has proved that sleep deprivation can cause you to gain weight. This is simply due to the fact that the longer you are awake, the more you are likely to eat.  It is advisable to have your dinner before 9 at night. After that, just brush your teeth so that you are less likely to eat or drink anything else.
author unknown

That's it for today.
If there's anything you would like me to blog about please drop a comment below, in the absence of any, you can just say hi to let me know you are following.

Apr 11, 2015

Beauty and wellness blog in Nigeria: Put on those shoes, leggo!

I'm sooo excited!! my female only fitness club is going live on monday with a free aerobics class to give you a fore taste of what is to come. All you have to do is to send a mail to beessignatures@gmail,com or a message to 07031609253 to save a slots as slots are limited, 10 only per session. 1st session is 8:15am, second session is 9:30am. Venue is NO 2, 14th avenue, Brown and blue block of flats, opposite abe igi bus stop, 7up road, oluyole estate, ibadan.
All participants are to come in comfortable sports clothing, underwear (emphasis on sports underwear please), a face towel and drinking water.
What are you waiting for? Ladies, pick up those shoes and lets get fabulously fit!

Apr 7, 2015

My Figure8 fitness club is about to go LIVE!

                                              Let's go people! it's time to get fabulously fit!
Due to the forth coming gubernatorial elections, My figure8 female only fitness club classes are now going to start on Monday, 13th April by 8:15am, 9:30 am and 6pm. And guess what? It's going to be free on that day! So if you have registered or not, you are free to attend classes on the 13th, all you need to do is indicate interest by sending a message to 
Please come in loose, comfortable and breathable clothing. Also come with a bottle of water (you can also purchase that from us) and a face towel. It promises to be loads of fun! tell a friend to tell a friend. 

Makeup classes resume Tuesday 14th by 11am. 

Please visit for more information.

Apr 6, 2015

Get the look: Easter winehouse!

Yes my son and his bottle of Eva water photo bombed this first picture. lol
Happy Easter peeps!
this season sums up my story, saved by grace for exploits. I hope it's yours too?
I did this look to church yesterday, took the pictures on our way back home, thats about 3 hours later, and i thought to share,
 if you'd like to try it, i've listed the products used.
and this one

Revlon colourstay foundation for oily/combination skin in cappucino mixed with a little mary kay medium coverage foundation, bronze 600* all over the face
highlighted cheekbone and forehead areas with black opal liquid concealing foundation in truly topaz
shaded with La girl pro conceal in dark cocoa.
face set with Zaron oil blotting powder, nz25,
highlights set with Ben nye banana powder
Shades set with Zaron oil blotting powder NZ40

Brows: Davis brow pencil, no 18, prestige liquid brow tattoo pen, set with brown shadow from Sam fine Quad eye-shadow palette.
Brows highlighted with black opal liquid concealing foundation in truly topaz and hazelnut.

Tara eyeshadow primer
Wine, matte eyeshadow in Tara Margaret Ekpo palette
ELF shimmer palette, all on lid
used a medium brown from Zaron neutral eyeshadow palette as transition color in the crease
Black eyeshadow from sleek i divine palette on outer eye corner.
Maybelline collosal mascara and kajal.

lips: lined with black opal precision lip liner in black cherry
Kiss beauty jumbo lip pen (peach, can't remember the name of the shade and i'm not getting up from here to check!)
And that's it.
phone pictures all 3, not bad right?

I liked my look, except i didn't make time for my hair, busy, busy, busy!
hope to see you soon at my new studio and fitness center for women. Makeup training registration also in top gear for the month of April.

Take care of you