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Jun 21, 2016

Normal is an illusion

online photo

I saw this picture on a friend's SM wall and one word that came to my mind is: 
I'm not you, you're not me. You might be okay with the status quo, I am not.
There's got to be more, there's got to be better.
More territories to conquer, more lives to impact.
A better way of living, a better way of loving.
That's me, that's my normal.

Jun 10, 2016

Common, don't be selfish!

I can't do it, they will laugh at me
I can't go, they won't listen
If i write it, no one will read

These are excuses used to give myself any time I'm prompted by the Holy Spirit or anyone to do anything new or anything out of my comfort zone until I realized I was being selfish. Yes! selfish.

There are lives waiting to be blessed by that song, destinies waiting to be liberated by that information, empowered by that teaching, fed by that business,....

But no, it always has to be about ME, MYSELF and I!

I can't

What would they say about ME

I don't even know much MYSELF

It's time for us to rise and be who we've been called to be
Time to start doing those things you know you should be doing.
Yes, fear and doubt will come, but do it anyway.

I'm waiting to be blessed by it and so are others.


Jun 3, 2016

I'm not popular.


I wanted to clear some misconceptions today about perceived success.

We live in a time and age where flashy is everything!
A world where we define ourselves by other people's validations or otherwise
A world where the number of followers and/or likes you get on social media is perceived as the level of success you have attained.

People HIT it overnight and they become our heroes, prayer points, focus of obsession.


I'd like to let you know that that is not true success.

no, no, no

Did I say NO yet?

Success is achieving your goals, goals that have made significant impacts in your life first, (love your neighbour AS yourself) then in the lives of others.
Impact is touching lives, giving time, resources and knowledge to help others, success is being kind and sensible, success is being well behaved, success is having well behaved children, success is standing up against injustice on the vulnerable.

I could go on, but I'm sure you now get it.

So before you judge someone's ( or YOUR) success by popularity, think about it.
Is there IMPACT?

so tell me, what does success mean to you?
 I'd like to read about it in your comment below

Have a lovely weekend

Jun 1, 2016

Live the life you deserve.

You're too forward, too loud, too slow, too quiet, not good enough, not smart enough... 

These words ring in your mind and through the mouths of nay Sayers, but I'm here to tell you that no matter what you or the people around you say, you are alive not just to exist but to LIVE!

Look back 10,20,30,40... Years ago.

What dreams did you have?

What did you plan to achieve?

Where did you want to go? 

Who did you want to help?

So what's stopping you?

The result of a research on old, dying people shows that the greatest fear of the dying is not what they did wrong, it's what they didn't get to do.

Get up and live!

Start that NGOS, business, ministry, course, whatever, just LIVE!

#Wednesday #motivation #live #olubunmisays #purpose #life #lifeisbeautiful #livelife