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Jul 31, 2015

How to build confidence in your child

I don't normally do this, write about children, but i guess it's not outside my jurisdiction since I'm a mother, by the grace of God and a wellness coach as well.

I noticed a trend in me and other mothers around me and I'm consciously trying to stop it, I hope you will too.

We tend to take full charge of our children's lives. We chose their clothes, their friends, their toys! We tell them what exactly to say, do, wear, watch, buy and so on. We go as far as doing their homework "for" them, claiming we are doing it "with" them (I've been guilty of this more times than 1, Why? is a story for another day)

While this might be an act of love on our part, it doesn't really work out right at the end.
When we take full charge of our children's lives we are indirectly telling them "you can't and shouldn't think so I'm the one going to make all your decisions for you".

Such a child becomes lazy, dependent and worst of all a drifter (someone who cannot and does not make their own decisions but relies on friends, family and society to dictate to them).

Next time you are tempted to say, like me,  Fifi, this is what you would do (wear, say, act...) why not go this way first.
"Fifi, what would you like to do (wear, buy, say...)?" If the answer is wrong or unfavourable, you can take the second route and ask "why did you choose that?"

Many times, if we only knew why our children make their choices, then we would really be able to help them. If the motive is wrong, you can then go ahead and correct it, explaining clearly why you think it is wrong.

This will greatly boost your child's confidence, intellect, social and communication skills.
A child who knows you would always ask for his/her opinion will make thinking a habit.

Till next time,
stay beeyoutiful

How To Lose Hip Fat, fast!


watch this video to learn simple but efficient ways to lose hip fat by Thinner in 30 via youtube.

Jul 29, 2015

10 keys to eating healthy (and loving it!)

Hi there

I hear a lot of people, especially here in Nigeria, say things like "eating and living healthy is stressful and boring "or "Eating healthy is too expensive" and such similar statements.

I'd like to inform you that that's a myth, you can eat healthy within your budget, and have fun while at it.

I have highlighted these guidelines below to help you make healthy choices with your meals

1. Make sure at least half of your plate came directly from a garden or farm.
Eating fresh fruits, vegetables, tubers and legumes is a very good way to eat healthy.

2. Eat meals with
multi components
This ensures you get a healthy doze of the necessary nutrients, both macro and micro.
A meal which consists of starch, proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats is healthier than a meal of just one or two of those.

3. Make your plate colourful
We eat what we see. So make your meals as inviting as possible.
Serve your meals in beautiful, inviting plates but small and garnish meals with colourful fruits and vegetables.
Food presentation is not the exclusive preserve of high end restaurants!


4. Watch your portions
No matter how healthy the components of your plate are, if you are eating too much, then you are not eating healthy. To curb over eating, eat regular but small meals (up to 5 times) through out the day. This keeps hunger pangs in check.

5. Plan your meals
If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Plan your meals days ahead. You can also prepare ahead by cutting fruits, veggies and meat, prepare and pack in portion sizes and refrigerate for a few days only to retain freshness.

6. Have healthy snacks handy
If you want to eat healthy, then make healthy foods within your reach. Dried and fresh fruits, crunchy vegetables like carrots, cucumber, celery, a fist full of nuts like peanut, almond nut, pecans and so on are healthy choices that keep peckish feelings at bay.

7. Go big on hydration
I know the saying "drink lots of water" is a cliche but seriously, drink lots of water!
most times we misinterpret the signals we get as hunger when we are actually really dehydrated and need to drink water.
Here's a trick to try. Next time you feel hungry in between meals, drink a tall glass of water, wait 5 minutes and see if you are still hungry,(a lot of times you would even forget about the hunger if you are doing something else) if yes, have a healthy snack and take more water.

8. Make it a lifestyle and not a fad
Most people jump on the healthy eating wagon with unrealistic expectations that cannot be sustained. You cannot just stop eating your best meal abruptly because you discovered it's not so healthy. There's usually a healthier way of preparing most meals. Grill not fry, whole wheat, not bleached, fruits not sugar and so on.

9. Watch your sodium intake
The table salt you put in your meals is not the only culprit when sodium is concerned. Watch out for the sodium level of cereals, packed nuts, and other packaged foods. Sodium causes bloating, high blood pressure and strains the kidney, causing it to draw out excessive water from the body leading to all sorts of things you don't want to know right now!

10. Beware of liquid calories
"I don't eat much",how about what you drink? A cup of some drinks contain more calories than you need to consume in the whole meal. Now imagine taking a whole bottle of that with a meal.

Do you have any tips of your own? Do share with us below.

Listen to my latest podcast titled "how are you?" here 

Jul 26, 2015

Isn't she lovely?

My Brother and his wife came to visit and I hijacked her for an impromptu photoshoot for my female only fitness club, My Figure8.

Here are some of the pictures:

Pictures were taken by Kayode Adegbesan for MAK photography
Makeup and accessories by Olubunmi Fajuyigbe for Bee's Signatures
Venue: My Figure8 fitness aerobics room and Bee's Signatures Studio compound

Jul 24, 2015

5 ways to increase your income as a makeup artist

OK, I know I said "as a make-up artist" but trust me, even if you are not one, you will pick up tips that can help you grow your clientèle and keep you smiling to the Bank.

Steven Depolo

1. Carve a niche: 
Yes don't try to be everything to everybody. You can do a lot of things but you should be known for something in particular.

 If you talk about having a fashion show in Ibadan for example and need a make up artist, my name might not readily come to mind.

But I've had a lot of make up training  referrals from friends, friends of friends and total strangers because they know I'm particular about training and empowerment.

2. Add extra value:
There are so many make up artists around these days, and believe me it's not a bad thing. There are millions of women, potential clients in Nigeria so fear not.

What you should be thinking of is what extra value can i add to make my client happier and me, richer?

Can I offer a mini facial before the makeup application at an extra fee?
Can I offer colour selection services (since i know about the colour theory and how it affects skin tones and undertones)
Can I also make the bride's hair/beads?
3. Learn the basics (or go deep if you can) of Portraiture (portrait photography)
As a makeup artist in these days of Instagram, flickr, Tumblr and so on, having good photography skills can make you more attractive to prospective clients. If you can afford it, get a DSLR camera, and take a course in photography. Knowing the basics of concepts like focus, aperture, rule of thirds, exposure and noise and so on will go a long way in improving the way your pictures look.

4. Ask for referrals
Don't just take screen shots of their pings and use as DP. Ask your clients to introduce you to their friends who might need your services. If they really enjoyed their time with you, doing that shouldn't be a problem.

5. Never stop learning!
I cannot over emphasize this. Learn deep and learn wide.
Buy and read beauty books
study about other fields related to make up
Learn the ropes of business management
attend courses and seminars
watch videos...
Whatever you do, never stop learning.

To learn more about how to improve yourself and your business, you can join us at, a community of women in or hoping to start their own business where we use Christian prinicples to improve ourselves spiritually, physically, intellectually and financially.

Till next time

Jul 20, 2015

Do you want some extra Income?

This week my podcast is on the concept of residual income. Many times we struggle with multiple jobs and businesses that stress us out and rob of us precious time.

Having a source (or several) of residual income ensures that you have some money coming in with minimum effort in the long run.

Want to know more about this?

Listen to my podcast here,

 I gave an example and will give more at my online sessions coming up later in the month.

Don't forget to drop a comment below.

Till next time,

Stay beeyoutiful!

Jul 16, 2015

Wellness for women: Protect your skin this summer and beyond!

Hello ladies

Trust you are doing great. As your wellness and empowerment coach i feel obliged to bring this topic to your attention.

It's summer time again (well, it's always summer here in Ibadan though> lol)!!! 
Holidays for the children, beaches and parties. Even though a lot of us think we produce enough melanin to protect us from the sun, this is not so and we end up have sun burns, skin discoloration, dark undereyes and other skin disorders as a result of over exposure to the sun.

Please don't ignore your skin and those of your adorable children. Protect them  from the harmful rays of the sun, UVA and UVB rays.

Below is an excerpt of an article that can be found here

UV radiation is part of the electromagnetic (light) spectrum that reaches the earth from the sun. It has wavelengths shorter than visible light, making it invisible to the naked eye. These wavelengths are classified as UVA, UVB, or UVC, with UVA the longest of the three at 320-400 nanometers (nm, or billionths of a meter). UVA is further divided into two wave ranges, UVA I, which measures 340-400 nanometers (nm, or billionths of a meter), and UVA II which extends from 320-340 nanometers. UVB ranges from 290 to 320 nm. With even shorter rays, most UVC is absorbed by the ozone layer and does not reach the earth.
Both UVA and UVB, however, penetrate the atmosphere and play an important role in conditions such as premature skin aging, eye damage (including cataracts), and skin cancers. They also suppress the immune system, reducing your ability to fight off these and other maladies.
FDA-Approved Sunscreens 
Active Ingredient/UV Filter NameRange Covered
UVA1: 340-400 nm
UVA2: 320-340 nm
UVB: 290-320 nm
Chemical Absorbers: 
Aminobenzoic acid (PABA)UVB
DioxybenzoneUVB, UVA2
Ecamsule (Mexoryl SX)UVA2
Ensulizole (Phenylbenzimiazole Sulfonic Acid)UVB
Meradimate (Menthyl Anthranilate)UVA2
Octinoxate (Octyl Methoxycinnamate)UVB
Octisalate ( Octyl Salicylate)UVB
OxybenzoneUVB, UVA2
Padimate OUVB
SulisobenzoneUVB, UVA2
Trolamine SalicylateUVB
Physical Filters: 
Titanium DioxideUVB, UVA2
Zinc OxideUVB,UVA2, UVA1

To cut the long story short, please buy and use sunscreens with both UVA and UVB protection and also wear sun shades and hats if possible to protect your eyes.

If you need recoomendations you can buzz me in the comment box or send me an email on

To read this article in full, please visit SKIN cancer foundation.

Jul 13, 2015

Empowering women: My Top 10, the power of association.

Here's the transcript of my new podcast on soundcloud. Listen to it here.

Hello my name is Olubunmi Fajuyigbe, i'm a beauty, wellness and empowerment coach and strategist for women.

Many women want to be successful. And that’s a good thing. Now that we have established what success means to us, I think we can go on and talk about how to achieve it.
By the way if you missed the success post check it here.

The first thing I will talk about is the power of Association!

It is often said, show me your friends and I will tell you who you are. This statement is true in all respects.
I want you, my dear pretty lady to do another exercise today. Write down your first 10 closest friends, now take that list and put it side by side with your definitions of success which we did last week. Do they tally?

Let me give you an example. Last week, I said one of the definitions of success to me is being at peace with God. Now if I take my list of 10 closest friends, I can ask myself a question like this: when I associate with xyz do I feel at peace with God? If my answer is no then I need to strike them off that list and replace them with other people who make me feel at peace with God.

Another example, if one of your definitions of success is to be wealthy, then do you have wealthy friends? Do you have friends who want to be wealthy just like you do? Do you have friends that encourage you to do the things that will spur you to wealth?

One of the biggest barriers to success is most often the people we are closely associated with. If you have friends who do not understand your vision and dreams, who laugh when you bring up an idea and call you crazy. beautiful lady, you need a change of Top 10. 
More often than not, you’ll let your low friends keep you down. If you want to break free and embrace success, then you need to stop spending so much time with people whom you have little or nothing in common as far as your successful future is concerned no matter how nice they are or how fun they are to be with and start associating with people who have similar dreams and goals as you do.

Please note that there is nothing wrong with being friendly, it’s just that when it comes to your top 10, they should be people who improve you in one or many ways. Spiritually, mentally, financially, socially and more.

I will rephrase the words of Robert Kiyosaki as I end today’s podcast by saying while you cannot control your friends, you can control who you are friends with. And if you want to be wealthy, it's important to choose your friends carefully. 

Please follow me on twitter @olubunmifaj, on instagram @olubunmisays and follow my blog  for podcasts, tip and news on beauty, wellness, and empowerment you also get heads up on my live and online conference coaching sessions.

Till next time,
stay Beeyoutiful

Empowering women : Summer blues!

Someone asked me recently where i was taking my children for summer and I smiled and said Lagos! Yep, Lagos.
What's wrong with that? After all it's more sunny there that London, Miami, Paris or Dubai. lol
OK so it's not bad to go on those trips and I wish I actually could but current circumstances would not allow that.
So do i then form a lie?
Oh no!
As women, a lot of times we let peer pressure (oh you thought that was just a teenage nightmare?) get the better of us.
I saw a quote once, not quite sure iI can remember exactly how it was written but the gist is that

"we spend money we don't have (allow me to add time and energy we shouldn't)
to buy (do) things we don't need
to impress people who don't care much about us"

If you have a friend who truly cares about you, he/she will know what you can afford to part with (not just money, time, energy and other resources) and won't have unrealistic expectations from you.

So, my dear pretty woman,
Live your life (after all, that's why Your is in that statement and not their) and don't apologize to anybody for being you!

Jul 9, 2015

What does success mean to you? Wellness and empowerment coaching for women


I am Olubunmi Fajuyigbe. A beauty, wellness and empowerment coach for women.
Today, I want to talk about success.

To learn more please visit

I'd like to have your feedback. Please post commetns and/or send me emails.

Jumia Sales on right now!

Hello people
I recently just got signed up as a Jumia press affliate. So you'll be seeing Updates on jumia from me from time to time. I have a little secret for you though: shhhh.... of course i'm kidding! you can shout it out on the roof tops. The more, the merrier!
Get the scoop below and follow the link for details.
Till next time,

Hi there, Fashion lovers! Its time to open your closet and knock out some valuable space as something big and exciting is coming your way in the next few days and as you all know, When it comes to fashion, Jumia lights the way!
From men’s fashion to the perfect ensembles for women, trust Jumia to always deliver.
Night-Out-on-a-Budget---Male1                 Something Big is Coming               Somthing Big on Jumia

Everything stylish and trendy, you will find on the Jumia website. Need we say ‘Brace up!, what’s coming is massive’. And Don’t say we didn’t warn you. Click here to be the first to know.
Work-Wear-on-a-budget---Women                Weekend-Casual-on-a-Budget---Women               TFK_20130416_7

Jul 6, 2015

Just worship #10000reasons

Join us on Sunday, 12th July, by 5pm at Mauve21 events center, ring road Ibadan as we worship our God who is more than worthy of our #10000reasonsand beyond! 
Also ministering are Pastor Femi Aladesami of Global Harvest church headquarters and Seun Sticks, a prolific music minster and gutarist.
Do make it a date, i will be singing too!