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Jun 3, 2016

I'm not popular.


I wanted to clear some misconceptions today about perceived success.

We live in a time and age where flashy is everything!
A world where we define ourselves by other people's validations or otherwise
A world where the number of followers and/or likes you get on social media is perceived as the level of success you have attained.

People HIT it overnight and they become our heroes, prayer points, focus of obsession.


I'd like to let you know that that is not true success.

no, no, no

Did I say NO yet?

Success is achieving your goals, goals that have made significant impacts in your life first, (love your neighbour AS yourself) then in the lives of others.
Impact is touching lives, giving time, resources and knowledge to help others, success is being kind and sensible, success is being well behaved, success is having well behaved children, success is standing up against injustice on the vulnerable.

I could go on, but I'm sure you now get it.

So before you judge someone's ( or YOUR) success by popularity, think about it.
Is there IMPACT?

so tell me, what does success mean to you?
 I'd like to read about it in your comment below

Have a lovely weekend


  1. Nice post sis.
    Well, i quite agree with you but i'll say that Success is also about being fulfilled. I mean you cant be successful in what you are not fulfilled at. As an event planner for instance, if i am not fulfilled with my job, then it's not 100% success. That's my opinion.
