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Dec 5, 2014

Skincare for hot weather and beyond.

It's December again and though the weather isn't cold and dusty yet here in ibadan, it is so dry and hot! The sun is not smiling at all these days, but in all things we give God praise.
The heat has Inspired me to write this post on proper skincare during this season.
The sun's harmful UVA and UVB rays are damaging to the skin. According to the world health organization, "UVA penetrates into the deeper skin layers, where connective tissue and blood vessels are affected. As a result the skin gradually loses its elasticity and starts to wrinkle. Therefore, large doses of UVA cause premature ageing. Furthermore, recent studies strongly suggest that it may enhance the development of skin cancers. The mechanisms of this UVA damage are not fully understood, but a popular hypothesis assumes that UVA increases oxidative stress in the cell.
UVB stimulates the production of new melanin, which leads to a heavy increase in the dark-coloured pigment within a few days. This tan may last a relatively long time. UVB also stimulates the cells to produce a thicker epidermis. Therefore, UVB is responsible both for the darkening and thickening of the outer cell layers – these reactions are the body's defence against further UV damage.
However, higher doses of UVB cause sunburn which increases your likelihood of developing cancer".
In the light of this,  we need to do all we can to protect our skin. 
Firstly, you need a proper skincare routine which you will follow morning and night.
In the morning,  use a mild facial cleanser suitable for your skin type to remove dirt, sweat and excess oil residue.  Follow that with a toner. If you have normal to dry skin, use a nourishing toner rich in emollients such as glycerin, rose water and so on, for oily skin, combination, use toners with very low concentration of alpha hydroxy acid to aid cell turnover.
Lastly moisturize. No matter what your skin type is, there is a facial moisturizer and a body moisturizer for you. Please don't mix them up because you most likely have different skin types on your face and body. Also, you need day creams and night creams. Day cream usually contains sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays. Use it generously on all exposed areas.
Night cream on the other hand contain exfoliators and rejuvenators to renew the skin and reveal younger glowing skin.
Apart from the daily routine, you should incorporate weekly skin pampering which would include facial steaming, body sauna, facial scrubbing, body polishing, facial masking, body wrapping. These can be done at home if you know your way around it or if you can afford it, you can visit a skincare expert near you. The table below obtained from can guise you in choosing sun protection.  The numbers represent sun protection factor SPF. The brands are sleek studio exfoliating range and oriflame sun protection range. 
So that's it for now. 
If you want any of the services or products listed above in ibadan, Lagos and abuja,  please let me know and I will definitely link you.
Till next time,
Stay Beeyoutiful!

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