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Feb 24, 2015

Hegai and esther brow gel: Product review/ Eyebrow tutorial

Packaging is pretty. has instructions on the outside

I recently signed up to sell H&E eyebrow gel, retail and wholesale, so i decided to pick one and use myself. the shade i used is nubia, there's a slightly darker one, ebony if you're darker or like dark brows.
Thank God i feel much better today!

Hegai and Esther brow gel, Nubia and Ebony

Inner foil cover to prevent drying. Would prefer a thicker inner cover though.

comes with an impressively sturdy application brush

Here's a short video showing how to use it.
watch, share, comment!

I love the product, especially since i have a very oily face and scanty brows, my brows are the first things that usually need touching up. But with Hegai and Esther brow gel, i'm in good hands.
To prevent hygiene issues, scoop out a little at a time whenever it'sneeded. And always screw on the lid tight to prevent drying.
Have you tried it? what do you think?
you can get yours at my store 
till next time,
xx Olubunmi

Feb 23, 2015

TOFI: Slim doesn't mean fit!

It's been a few days! i actually sprained my back chasing after my son(mommy things),  so i've been lying low (literally). 
Howbeit, i can still talk with my people right?

So i hear a lot of people say
"ahh, me i cant exercise o, i even want to gain weight"
And then they end up chomping on high fat foods all in the bid to add some "flesh", and it's funny how some of them end up being as slim as they've always been while some of us have to work an arm and a leg to maintain our weights. 

such is  life


The fact that you are slim doesn't mean you are healthy or fit. 

Exercising is very important if you want to live in good health. Lack of exercises means low fitness levels, low muscle tone and decreased endurance.  

Slim people who don't work out have the same levels of bad cholesterol as obese non-exercisers, research has revealed.
Bad cholesterol or low density lipoprotein, can cause a harmful build up of cholesterol which may narrow the arteries and contribute to heart disease and strokes.
Scientists examined the risk of heart disease in a group made up of lean exercisers, lean non-exercisers and obese non-exercisers.
They found that while lean exercisers had the lowest risk of heart disease, high cholesterol levels were almost identical in lean non-exercisers and obese non-exercisers.
Study leader, Dr Gary O'Donovan, Brunel University in London, said: "Many people, especially slim people, believe that the only benefit that can be achieved from exercising is weight loss. This is not the case.
"Our study suggests that slim people need to exercise as much as others in order to stay healthy and keep LDL cholesterol in check."
The researchers will now measure cholesterol levels from obese people who regularly exercise.
The study was published in the International Journal of Obesity.

Deep belly fat (technically called "visceral fat" or fat surrounding organs within the abdomen) has been linked to health problems including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome -- a cluster of risk factors that greatly increase the chance of developing these diseases.Visceral fat hasn't been proven to cause those conditions, but it seems to at least be a red flag of possible health risks, write Slentz and colleagues.
By the way, visceral fat isn't just for the millions of overweight or obese people. Thin people can also have visceral fat if they're not fit.
So if you are slim and I wanted to coach you for example, we would develop a lifestyle around combining a protein rich diet (building blocks of amino acids) with short cardio sessions, weights and strength exercises can help slim people gain healthy weight by building muscle mass as against fat mass.

that's it peeps. Remember you can start registering for MyFigure8 fitness club, our first class hold very soon, visit here for details
Till next time

Feb 16, 2015


Alas, if your aim is to lose weight, you might as well ditch or modify the exercise app on your smart phone that promises you'd been done and dusted with your workout in 7 mins.

Here's why your 7 minutes exercise app won't make you lose weight

Glucose and other carbohydrates are the major sources of energy for the human body. When we consume sugars and carbs, we are increasing the available energy molecules that can be utilized for cellular respiration and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. But what happens when we have more sugar than we need at any given time? To accommodate excess sugar in the system, the human body often stores excess sugar in the form of glycogen.
The bloodstream can hold about an hour of glucose for energy. If glucose levels are maximized and all glycogen storage locations are full then the excess glucose is converted to fat by the liver and stored in adipose tissue or fat cells.
The glucose can be immediately utilized by the body or stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver. The muscles can store about 20 minutes of glycogen for energy.
During the first 15 minutes of aerobic activity, glycogen or sugar within the muscles is used for energy. Fat metabolism for energy doesn't occur until about 15 to 20 minutes after beginning aerobic activity. This is why it's important that aerobic duration be at least 30 minutes.
So except you are repeating the sequence, please don't expect much weightloss. However, if your aim is to maintain good heart and body health, please go ahead and have a quickie!
Till next time, 

Feb 8, 2015

Are you squatting right?

author unknown
Squats is an excellent exercise to lift and firm the butt and tone the thighs and legs but if not done right, can be a potential source of injury. The picture above shows how to (and not to do squats)
Here's a little explanation:
start by placing your feet shoulder width apart with the toes slightly pointed out with your weight shifted back into the heels
Keep your arms up and out, push your hips to the back as you go down, maintain the natural concave curve of the back (back curved in)
On full squat, your hip joint should be below your knee cap. and your chin should be straight.
then stand up staright, dropping your hands as you move up to your original position.
Your chest should be lifted throughout your workout.

So that's it ladies,
happy squatting!

next time i'm going to talk about Burpees


So have been squatting right?
Your beauty and wellness coach

Feb 5, 2015

Throwback thursday: January 2012 bride

"the best way to stay grounded is to never forget where you started from in view of where you are going" Olubunmi Fajuyigbe

Damilola and I were classmates at F.G.G.C sagamu so it wasn't much of a surprise when she called me to do her makeup. We made the arrangement months before her wedding, almost a year in fact, within that time, i got pregnant with my second baby but we had a deal already so i had to fulfill it. So my dear ever supportive husband dropped and came back to pick me the next day at ife. 
With my seven  months pregnancy, I did her trad makeup and her mum's on friday, slept over and did the church wedding makeup, 5 bridesmaids and her mum's makeup on saturday. Phew!

Feb 3, 2015

Sure ways to shed weight

Today's tip is really short and straight to the point. If you want to shed weight, you should either reduce your level of food intake or increase your level of physical activity. Better still, why not try both to make it faster?
Every healthy weight loss plan should incorporate both nutrition and physical activities, those are the basic ingredients, every other thing is an addition to the afore mentioned and should be done in tandem.

till next time.

Feb 2, 2015

Motivational Mondays: Relationships matter

Hi all,
Happy new month. Trust you all had a restful weekend? My musing today is about relationships. Now I'm not talking about the one you have with that guys that "takes your breadth away", it's part of it but I'm thinking of more.
As a business owner what kind of relationship do you have with your clients? Can they say behind you that you are a nice person? I know you might be saying that we are in business to makeu money not friends but dear friend I'll like to challenge that thought and say you should be in business to solve people's problems, these days, you don't even have to be the one solving the problem (as in coaching where all you need to do is be concerned enough to steer your client the right direction) And guess what? When you are in it for the right reasons, the money will come albeit slowly at first but it will increase steadily and exponentially because yountook your time to build relatioships.
As a supervisor or manager, what relationships do you have with your subordinates? Are you abusive, disrespectful, afterall your earn more and (think) you are better off than them? The only way you know you a're a good manager or teacteacher Is when your teac members say so to other people. It's not when you earn the most in the company, that's not the sign of arrival!
Besides after all said and done, nobody is taking a dime out of here, it's all gonna be left behind. So focus more on people and the rest will fall in place.
Till next time,