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Apr 15, 2015

Simple ways to shed weight Part 1

complex carbohydates. stock photo
I'm still excited about my new studio and fitness center, i can't wait to have you around!
Today i want to write about weight loss. Simple changes can make a whole world of difference when you wish to shed pounds. I'm going to start with 5, then on a later date add some more.

1. Replace simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates: simple carbs, contain refined sugar which get absorbed into the body quickly yet provide little or no nutrition. Eg are sweets, cake, white rice, white pasta. Opt instead for brown versions like brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, beans and legumes and replace refined sugar with natural alternatives like maple syrup and stevia. Complex carbohydrates are packed with fiber and other nutrients. Besides, they get digested by the body and released into the blood stream comparatively slower making you fuller for a relatively longer period

2. Avoid fast food: Fast food is mostly unhealthy. Some fried some baked and some laden with tons of sugar. Making your own food gives you control over the ingredients and the amounts used.

3. Portion control: To shed weight, you need to eat less than you've been known to do. use smaller plates to eat so that you are not tempted to eat much. Chew slowly and drink  water before you start eating.
4. Cardio workout: To shed weight fast, you need to incorporate some form of exercises and nothing beats aerobics! you can even add a bit of weight training for muscle toning so as to kill two birds with one stone. You can join any of our classes at My Figure 8 female only fitness club  for encourage and motivation.

author unknown
Last but not the least for today,
5. Avoid late night snacking: Research has proved that sleep deprivation can cause you to gain weight. This is simply due to the fact that the longer you are awake, the more you are likely to eat.  It is advisable to have your dinner before 9 at night. After that, just brush your teeth so that you are less likely to eat or drink anything else.
author unknown

That's it for today.
If there's anything you would like me to blog about please drop a comment below, in the absence of any, you can just say hi to let me know you are following.

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