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Apr 25, 2015

Beauty and wellness tips: Simple ways to shed weight part 2

Here's the second part of my Simple ways to shed weight series

6. Do not skip breakfast:
Most of us, myself included are guilty of skipping breakfast for different reasons. Whatever the reason however, you need to start making a conscious effort to fuel your body early in the morning. You do not need to eat heavy, but make sure you eat healthy, balanced breakfast meals. The most important macro nutrient of breakfast is protein so make sure you're getting enough of it in your breakfast.
    Examples of what you can have for breakfast are:
wholewheat bread with boiled egg sandwich
plain, fat free yogurt and fruit
Moin moin
a bowl of wholegrain cereal and almond nuts

7. Watch out for the calories in your drinks:
A lot of us are so addicted to sugared drinks, sodas, energy drinks, tea, coffee, smoothie, alcohol... The calories contained in some of these drinks are really high and we consume more than one serving per time. If you look at most of the drinks carefully, the nutritional values are written per hundred meals and a cup is 250ml, most of us wouldn't even stop at a cup. So next time you want to take those drinks, remember to check the label and calculate just how much you want to consume then augment with chilled water.

8. Make simple lifestyle changes: washing your own car, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, taking a stroll to get something at the neighborhood supermarket, playing hard with your children... these help to increase calories burned.

9. Kick boxing:
Instead of throwing a fit, why not throw punches and kicks at the air and shed some calories while at it? To burn more calories, punch with dumb bells.
10. Drink lots of water.
The benefits of drinking water cannot be over emphasized, you stay hydrated, feel full, food digests properly, you get well detoxified. If you're not so into water, try flavoring it with drops of natural lemon, strawberry, passion fruit... juice. Fruits and veggies such as watermelon, cucumber are also good sources of water.

Do you have any other ways you shed weight? Be kind enough to share with us as i just did.

Don't forget that registration has started at My Figure8 female on.y fitness club in Ibadan. Join us today and learn to live a healthier, happier life.
till next time,
Have a wonderful weekend!

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