When Oyinkan came to my studio in 2013, wanting to learn makeup, i had to ask her over an over if she was serious. she had absolutely no makeup on (not that i use makeup myself), and her brows were virgin,full, untrimmed. Fast forward to date, she has her own studio and i must say i am really proud of what she has been able to achieve. But that's not the crux of the matter today, She got married! And yours truly did her makeup and styled her hair. (i couldn't get one single shot of the white wedding attire). It was one of those everything in one day weddings. phew!

I sure did mange to pull it off, was practically running after her to apply lipstick as she was late for the registry.
I'm so happy for her, she's about the fourth of my ex-students who's gotten married and my prayers are with the others who are in line too.
If you get to read this Oyinkan, once again, God bless and keep your home, it is fruitful and peaceful n Jesus' name.
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